Design of smart wearables for fall prevention of the elderly
Project Description
Falling is one of the major causes of injury for the elderly. The costs on fall-related treatments are reported about $75 billion a year in US only. Such unexpected falls are a common cause of broken bones and loss in quality of life, as well as shaking seniors’ confidence to live independently. This project is to form creative ideas to design smart and feasible wearables for the elderly to prevent from falling. In addition, the wearables should be equiped with GPS and wireless alarming system to send out signals to the neighboring care center or relatives.
YANG Jinglei
Course type
Applicant's Roles
This project needs 2-3 students to implement.
Student 1 is in charge of market investigation of the current products and prototypes, and then form own ideas.
Student 2 is required to realize and improve the design and the app development.
Student 3 is required to make and evaluate the prototype together with the other two students.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
The primary objective of this project to design smart and feasible wearables for the elderly to prevent from falling. The students are going to learn:
1. how to do market research and form a business report;
2. how to design the proposed product and software using the learnt knowledge in mechanical, electrical, and IT domains.
3. how to manufacture and evaluate the prototype.
If successful, a start-up is going to set up for further development! Students with self-motivation, great passion, infinite energy, spirit of collaboration, and great vision to do innovative project in a team are highly welcome!!!
Complexity of the project