Large Language Models as Your Machine Learning Experts
Project Description
Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) can dynamically design suitable model architectures and hyperparameters for various data and tasks, making it easier to use machine learning models. However, designing appropriate model frameworks and hyperparameters is only a small aspect of a data scientist's responsibilities. Task formulation, result recommendation, and visualization are not addressed by existing AutoML frameworks. To bridge this research gap, we draw inspiration from the recent success of Large Language Models (LLMs) and aim to integrate AutoML systems with LLMs, enabling everyone to use machine learning models with ease and become a data scientist.
DI, Shimin
Course type
Applicant's Roles
- Literature Review
- Data Analysis
- Algorithm Implementation

Highly recommended for students interested in machine learning and large language models, who are expected to have a fundamental understanding of machine learning and generative artificial intelligence, as well as proficiency in programming.
Applicant's Learning Objectives
- Research Capacity
- Technology Development
- Master Machine Learning Tools
Complexity of the project